A drive or walk through downtown Newport will leave you with an eerie feeling right now as so many businesses have had to close due to COVID-19. This is a time that is scary and isolating, and leaves us all feeling so vulnerable. The Library Arts Center and Newport Chamber of Commerce are partnering to bring hope to Main Street via community art.
We need you–that is right YOU–every single person reading this to take a moment to think about what hope is to you. Take a few minutes and write it down, draw it, doodle it, paint it, photograph or type it. The only guidelines are that every entry should be in a square format and black and white. Snap a photo of your creation (in good light if possible) and submit it online at libraryartscenter.org. Everyone is encouraged to participate, kids, adults, families, artists. Use your creative expression; entries can be as simple or as complex as participants like. You can enter as many entries as you want.
Ways to Enter:
Use the easy submission form online HERE.
Snap a photo of your entry, and email it to ShareYourHOPENow@gmail.com
Share your entry on social media with the hashtag #ShareYourHOPENow
These will be printed out and pieced together in large inspiring mosaics placed in closed and empty storefronts of participating businesses to remind us all that there is hope even in the most challenging of times. All entries will also be available for viewing from home in the coming weeks in an online gallery at libraryartscenter.org.
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