The Library Arts Center’s first annual Peeps Diorama Contest in 2012 was a smashing success! 72 dioramas were entered into the contest, and this year’s event promises even more!
See this clip from WMUR for a glimpse of some of last year’s festivities at the opening “Peeps Party”:
To Enter the Contest:
“Eep”–a clever play on Pixar’s “Up” Film–The Winner of the Washington Post’s 2010 Peeps Diorama Contest
Join in on the creative craze that is sweeping the country! Newspapers, arts organizations and communities nationwide have hosted “Peeps Diorama Contests” in recent years, and the Library Arts Center is pleased to bring this fun and creative competition to Newport and surrounding communities once again in 2013.
Diorama Dimensions/Size Limit: While there are no specific criteria for minimum or maximum diorama dimensions, please keep your diorama the size of a shoe box or boot box to ensure that we will be able to accommodate the maximum number of entries.
Do a web search for “Peeps Diorama” on your favorite search engine for a multitude of ideas.
Entries will be judged based on the following criteria a) a creative & original concept b) creative use of and/or manipulation of peeps c) artful design
On the official entry form you will be asked to provide the following:
a. Your name, age and hometown
b. The names, ages and hometowns of anybody who contributed to the diorama
c. A phone number and e-mail address
d. The title of your diorama and a sentence or two about its significance.
e. Anyone under the age of 13 will be able to enter with parental permission.
Entry Fee: $5.00 per diorama
Diorama Drop-off: Submissions are due no later than Thursday Mar. 21st at 4:00 pm. Submissions may be delivered to the Library Arts Center Tuesday – Thursday, Mar. 19-21st during the gallery hours of 11am-4pm. The Entry Form and $5 entry fee should accompany your submission.
Winners will be announced at the Peeps Party “Opening Reception” on Friday, March 22nd, 5:00-6:30pm. 1st, 2nd & 3rd Prizes will be awarded, as well as a “Best Peeps in Show” award.
- The Peeps Dioramas will be on display during the opening reception on Friday, March 22nd, 5-6:30pm, on Saturday, March 23rd 10am-2pm, and Mar. 26-30th during regular gallery hours: Tues-Fri. 11am-4pm and Sat. 10am-2pm.
Peeps “Open Studio” Opportunities: Drop into the studio on Tuesday, March 5, and/or March 12, 5:00-7:00pm, to work on your Peeps Diorama! Artists, individuals, and families are welcome to join us for these free Peeps Open Studios! Bring your own shoebox, Peeps, crafting supplies (if you have them) and your ideas. Basic crafting supplies, ranging from paints & glue guns to “googley” eyes and fabric scraps will be available.
If you have additional questions, please contact us at
Click the link for the PEEPS Diorama Contest Entry Form 2013.