A generous matching challenge gift of $200,000 has been made by the Roy Malool Family Foundation.
Funds given to the campaign will be matched dollar for dollar up to $200,000.
DONATIONS/PLEDGES to date: (as of December 8, 2017) $421,700
The following generous donors have made gifts and pledges to the campaign thus far:
Cathryn & Paul Baird
Rebecca &Robert Bates
Kate & Dave Benson
Beyond Design
Igor R. Blake
Bob Skinner’s Ski & Sport
Marie Bugbee
Gail & George Caccavaro
Beverly & John Caldon
Claremont Savings Bank
Deb & Barry Connell
Jackie & Larry Cote
The Coulter-Duling Family
Susan Damberg & Richard Mauser
Hope Damon
Laura Davis
Debi’s Florist
Betsy Derrick
Karen Dewey
Paula & Terry Dorr
Karen & Norm Doucette
Ted English
Margot & Philip Estabrook
Sarah & Jay Fisher
Sandra & Gordon B. Flint, Jr.
Gwen Fuller
Richard B. Gassett
Goodrich Oil Company
Beverly & Roger Goring
Priscilla & Jerry Hagebusch
Sue Hagerman
Janet Miller Haines & Richard Haines
Margaret Hammer
Dorothy E. Hathaway
Christine & Clay Hawkins
Jayna & John Hooper
Hubert’s Family Outfitters
Nancy & Larry Huot
Fran & Bryan Huot
Biddy & Peter Irwin
Susan & Jolyon Johnson
Paula & Mike Johnson
Judy Joy
Gina & Nick Kanakis
Kearsarge Magazine
Tom Kelley & Sonia Swierczynski
Joan G. Kinne
Nancy & Dick Kipperman
Pam & Dwight LaFountain
Peggy Lahs
Lake Sunapee Bank a division of Bar Harbor Bank & Trust
Gerry & Harold LaValley
Karen & David Little
Marty & Peter Lovely
Kathy Lowe
John & Meredith Lunn
Kate & Jim Luppold
Donna & Bill Matson
Caitlin Mauser Rowe & Buddy Rowe
Laura Finke McCoy & Scott McCoy
Kay McCrillis
Lauri & David McCrillis
Peggy & Stuart McKenney
Jan McMahon
Tami & Kurt Minich
MJ Harrington & Co.
Jill & George Montgomery
Linda M. Morrow
Chris Morse
Lisa Morse
Gwen Nagel
Doris Nelson
Newport Health Center Employees
Kathryn & Ted Niboli
Nancy Parssinen
The Old Courthouse Restaurant
Jane Rastallis
Judy & Stan Rastallis
Francetta Raymond
Deborah S. Reynolds & Mark A. Edson
Alice Roberts
The Rochford-Richardson Family
Donna & Ernie Rowe
Neil & Suzanne Rutter
Melissa Saccento
Vahan & Anne Sarkisian
Susan & Nick Scalera
Agnes Schissel
Mary & Larry Schissel
Christine Scott
Joyce Sielewicz
Carolyn Simon
Soo-Nipi Quilters’ Guild
Terri & Paul Spanos
Sophie Sparrow & Chris Eldredge
Stardancer Studios
Brian & Susanne Stillson
Deborah Stone
Ann & Gregory Stout
Sugar River Bank
Summercrest A Senior Living Community
Andrea Thorpe & Lee Topham
Bill & Calista Thurlow
Joanne & Michael Truell
Charen & Robert Urban
Arthur Walsh, MD
Anita Warren
Patti & Ken Warren
Catherine Weisner
Katie & Doug Wheeler
Christy & Cary Whipple
Nancy Whynall
Tonya & Bob Wilkie
Dr. & Mrs. Timothy Wolfe
Chris Young
Support the 50th Anniversary Endowment Campaign
The Roy Malool Family Foundation has offered an exceptionally generous matching opportunity for this campaign. Donations and pledges made this year will be matched, dollar for dollar, up to $200,000! Your donation will be DOUBLED to sustain the Library Arts Center in the next 50 years!