How to Make a Gift:
Current & Pledge Gifts
Give a cash gift this year, or make a pledge to support this endowment campaign with contributions over the next three years.
Deferred Gifts
- Bequest in your will or provision in your living trust
- Designation in your IRA or qualified retirement plan
- Gift of a new or existing life insurance policy
- Provision of a beneficial interest in a charitable remainder trust
Contact Us:
To help us continue in our mission for community arts, and become part of a legacy of giving to the Library Arts Center, contact us to make your tax-deductible contribution or pledge.
Download the official Pledge/Donation Form HERE: 50th Endowment – PLEDGE FORM
Checks should be made payable to the: New Hampshire Charitable Foundation
in the memo: Library Arts Center Fund #4489-3
Gifts may be given in remembrance of, or in honor of someone. Gifts or pledge cards should be sent or brought to the Library ARts Center office: 58 N. Main St. Newport, NH 03773
For more information about giving, contact us at: (603)-863-3040 |
**All gifts made as a part of this campaign will be deposited into the Library Arts Center Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation.
Because of the complexity of estate law, please consult your tax adviser or legal consultant for specific questions relating to charitable contributions.
Donations via Credit Card
Would you like to make a contribution directly to the Library Arts Center Fund of the NH Charitable Foundation with a credit card? Donate directly to the fund via the NHCF’s website.