Korn Alley Mural Project | Newport, New Hampshire
The Library Arts Center is spearheading the creation and installation of a new series of public art murals in Newport’s Downtown Historic District. Find out more below.
Call for Artists
ENTRY DEADLINE: January 15, 2025
The Library Arts Center is spearheading the creation and installation of a new series of public art murals in Korn Alley, located in Newport’s historic downtown district. This project will activate an under-utilized section of our downtown area, foster community pride and shared history, and spur greater economic development.
The Library Arts Center, in partnership with the Newport Chamber of Commerce, announces a call for artists to participate in the Korn Alley Mural Installation. Murals will be created in Winter 2025, and installed in the Spring. Korn Alley (located off Newport’s Main Street between the Gamash Block (WCNL Radio Station and Bar Harbor Bank block) will house a group of 12-15 murals (sized 2×2′, 4×4′ and 4×8′).
Mural themes have been crowd-sourced over the past year and reflect on what makes Newport, and the surrounding region, a wonderful place to be. All participating artists will use a pe-selected color palette designed to unite the works and highlight the historic nature of Newport’s Main Street. A series of mood boards are available below for reference. The examples are not meant to limit style and expression, but rather to give an idea as to how pieces might fit in with the aesthetic of downtown Newport.

Click on the images above to see more concept board examples.
How to Apply
ENTRY DEADLINE: January 15, 2025
Please select your top three choices of mural themes from the list below. Fill out the online or paper application form and prepare a simple concept sketch of how you would present each theme in a mural. Concept designs do not need to be a ‘complete’ work but should include basic composition and show the proposed usage of the pre-set color palette. Fill out the basic application that includes a statement about why you would like to be a part of this project, and upload (or deliver) your concept sketches.
Entries can be submitted online or in person.
All applications will be reviewed by the mural selection committee, composed of several community members leading this initiative. This jury will work diligently to be inclusive with curating the best mural alley possible.

Crowd-sourced, potential
Mural Themes
Things we love about Newport and the Surrounding Region
Newport’s Parades (the Leapin’ Lena)
Parlin Field Airport
Newport Opera House Association
Pollards Mills (landscape, swimming, or picnicking)
Sugar River (Kayaking/fishing)
Picking blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, apples at our PYO farms
Winter Sports including snowmobiles, snowshoeing, ice fishing, skiing
Hiking the Pinnacle, Rail Trail, Town Forests
Apple Pie Crafts Fair
Wings and Wheels
Car Nuts
Concerts on the Common
Campfires, Camping, Seeing the stars
Newport Rec Center programs
Skiing on Mount Sunapee
View from Lake Solitude
Newport Golf Club
Richards Free Library
Newport Sports/The Newport Tigers
or…Your own idea!
Frequently asked questions
About the Library Arts Center's Mural Mission
Newport’s beautiful and historic downtown district is one of the town’s greatest assets, with enormous potential to invite new opportunities for commerce and economic vitality to the town. Over the last few years, the community has realized the economic impact of prominent public art pieces in downtown Newport. The Library Arts Center endeavors to build an increased sense of community through the Arts on Main Street program. Public art initiatives, such as a reproduction of one of Newport’s 25-year-old prized heritage murals (that had fallen into disrepair) accomplish just that by reminding us of our shared history. A massive fundraising campaign included a town-wide mural festival and involved multiple community artists. In 2023, a vintage postcard-style mural declaring “Welcome to Newport” was created, depicting prominent local landmarks.
Momentum for public art is growing, and with it comes a lasting impact on our community’s hometown pride, our ability to activate under-utilized spaces in downtown areas, and finally to foster future economic development and activity in ways that serve everyone.
Who is eligible to apply?
Artists, both professional and amateur, from the greater region are encouraged to enter. Applicants should reside in either NH or VT, or have deep connections to our local region. No prior mural experience is necessary. Groups working collectively on one panel are welcome to apply.
How are artists compensated for participation?
The selection committee will choose 12-15 artists for the project, and artists will receive an honorarium for their work according to the size panel they are selected to paint in the following amounts:
- 4’x8’ Panel – $1,000 honorarium
- 4’x4’ Panel – $500 honorarium
- 2’x2’ Panel – $250 honorarium
What materials should be used?
Pre-primed MDO panels cut-to-size and specialty NOVA brand mural-grade paints will be provided by the Library Arts Center, and artists will use their own brushes, etc. Artists will be provided with a warm and cool of each primary color, and also black/white in the set palette.
Completed panels will be clear-coated with a UV-protective coating.
What is the pre-set color palette that should be used?
Lead artist Heidi Lorenz will provide all participating artists with paints in the following color palette that can be custom-mixed by artists for the mural.
- Application Deadline: January 15, 2025 at 11:59pm
- Notification of Acceptance: January 24, 2025
- Panels ready for pick-up by accepted artists: February 8, 2025
- Artist Retreat/Kick-off for Selected Artists: Saturday, February 8, 2025
By mid- January mural panels, and paints will be available for pickup. There will be an official artist kick-off celebration in the studio where all artists will be invited to meet each other, pick up supplies and get the basic instructions from Heidi on beginning their murals.
- Completed Panels Due: April 1, 2025
Finished panels will be returned to the Library Arts Center by participating artists by March 31 at which point the Arts Center will get them professionally coated in a UV Ray protectant sealant to make them outdoor ready. The murals will be installed in early June and will be officially unveiled at a community celebration on a date to be determined in June 2025. We hope all participating artists will be able to attend! This celebration will be complete with live music and food vendors.
Installation of Panels: June 2025 and Celebration/Block Party TBA
Lead Artist + Artist Retreat
Lead artist Heidi Lorenz will oversee the painting process over winter, communicating with each artist, setting each artist up with specific paints/palette and prepped mural boards, and will be checking in with artists throughout the winter on their progress with each mural.
ARTIST RETREAT – Sat. February 8th
Heidi will also present a mural kick-off/retreat where artists can pick up supplies and meet each other and get the lay of the land for painting murals. Artists not able to attend either can pick up supplies at another mutually agreeable time. Projectors will be available so artists can quickly and accurately transfer their smaller drawings onto their mural board. Artists will get the initial drawing completed and the blocking of color can be started at the retreat. Artists who choose to participate in this free retreat can gain a jump start in beginning their mural, however, the retreat is not required. It is meant for those that would like the comradery with other artists and/or for those inexperienced in working on larger formats that would appreciate help. Heidi can also be available for consultation any time you may need advice or guidance.
Muralists are encouraged to sign their work, with names and artist information, and mural theme information compiled by the Arts Center will be permanently available on our website, linked from the mural site by QR code.
When are the completed mural panels due?
Completed Panels Due: April 1, 2025
Finished panels will be returned to the Library Arts Center by participating artists by April 1 at which point the Arts Center will have them professionally coated in a UV Ray protectant sealant to make them outdoor ready. The murals will be installed in early June and will be officially unveiled at a community celebration on a date to be determined in June 2025.
What is the selection criteria?
In the style of all Library Arts Center programs, professional and amature artists alike are encouraged to apply.
A selection committee that includes Arts Center Staff, lead artist Heidi Lorenz, and representatives from the Newport Chamber of Commerce will review the proposals of applicant artists and select proposals based on the following criteria:
- Artistic merit
- Quality of proposed designs
Examples that best exemplify mural themes and fit the historic nature of the mural site.
What if I'm having trouble with the online application?
The Library Arts Center aims to make the submission process accessible for everyone who would like to participate. If you need assistance completing the application or submitting samples, please reach out to us at info@libraryartscenter.org or call 603-863-3040.
Who should I contact if I have questions?
With any questions about the project, please contact:
Kate N. Luppold, Library Arts Center Executive Director
info@libraryartscenter.org | 603.863.3040