Project Sponsors + Donors
to the Newport Heritage Mural Reproduction ProjectSpecial thanks to the mural reproduction’s generous individual and family donors!
Many thanks to Harold & Gerry LaValley for a generous matching gift!
Bar Harbor Bank & Trust
Carroll Concrete
Larry & Nancy Huot
Library Arts Center Endowment for Arts Education
Newport Fitness & Spa
Jeff & Heidi North
Sugar River Bank
United Construction
Bob Skinner’s Ski & Sport
Collins Electrical Services
DHI Technical
Terry & Paula Dorr
Dorr Fabrics
Full Circle Farm
Goodrich Oil
Barbara Jones
The McCrillis/Kessler Family
MJ Harrington & Co.
Bill & Calista Thurlow
Patti & Ken Warren
Frank Wiggins & Gail Wild
William & Heidi Bartlett
Beaver Pond Farm
Elliot, Jasper, Shklar, Ranson & Beaulac, LLP
Stephen Ensign
Richard Gassett
Donation in honor of Pris & Jerry Haguebusch
Hodgepodge Fibers & Yarns
Kathy & Guenther Hubert
Dwight & Pam LaFountain
Laura McCoy Designs
Janice McMahon
Newport Health Center
Newport Montessori School
Newton-Bartlett Funeral Home
Promex Service Center
Don & Margie Schagen
Larry & Mary Schissel
Eldon & Violet Simpson
Universal Physical Therapy
Charen & Bob Urban
Sen. Ruth Ward
Lori Barnes
Sandra & G.B. Flint, Jr.
Kathy & Peter Hanson
Bryan & Fran Huot
Susan & Jolyon Johnson
The Lovely Family
Kate & Jim Luppold
Caitlin Mauser Rowe & Buddy Rowe
Linda Morrow
Lucy Mueller
Ed & Dianne Rochford
Sandy Luckury
Stu & Peggy McKenney
Judith Rogers & Dotty Collins
Christopher Rollins & Susan Kahn
Judy Ross
Doug & Nancy Barton
Donald & Elizabeth Derrick
Edward English
Joan Z. Hague
Elaine Heineman
Beatrice Jillette
Ryan MacLeay
Elisabeth Malloy & Robert Malinowsky
Marilyn & Paul McLaughlin
Becky & Ken Merrow
Gerald & Lisa Morse
Jennifer O’Neil
The Rochford-Hague Family
Michael & Joanne Truell
John & Marcia Williams
Mary Bourdon
Janice & Verne Brehio
Tafi Brown
Katharine Fischer
Barbara Jarvis
Nancy Parssinen
Mindy & Andrea Thorpe
Dan & Kathy Walsh
Donations updated on 03/22/23